Since the founding of our ancient monastic way of life in the early Church, monks have continued to live lives of prayer and work. We have always recognized that the human person, made in the image and likeness of God, deserves to be honored and respected; indeed, God dwells within a person as in a temple, and there too abides the Spirit of Jesus who is served, loved and welcomed in every human encounter. St. Benedict expected of us monks that we not only see Christ in all that we meet, but that we also treat each other with the reverence and dignity that Christ Himself would want of us. What a terrible indignity, what a grave offence, therefore, when human life—especially that of a child—is sexually or otherwise abused and dishonored.
Subiaco's safeguarding programs are dedicated to the safety of all children and vulnerable adults. To that end, we have established a comprehensive mandatory program of ongoing abuse awareness training from age student to adult, backgrounds checks for all adults working with minors, and effective policies to ensure safe guards are in place to prevent abuse in the future. Consistent with Arkansas law, all adults on our Subiaco campus are responsible to contact the Child Abuse Hotline if they have any reasonable cause to suspect “child maltreatment,” which means abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, sexual exploitation, or abandonment. If there is any cause to suspect physical or sexual abuse or neglect by a monk, employee, parent, teacher, or student, or awareness of circumstances that would result in abuse or neglect, it will be reported immediately. This is an absolute, mandatory, legal requirement imposed on each individual on this campus. We will cooperate fully with any investigation and take steps in the interim to ensure there is no potential for further harm to anyone. Click on the buttons below for more information.
Glenn Constantino (Director)
Fr. Patrick Boland, OSB (Monastic Safe Environment Coordinator)
Karla Kennedy (Lay Safe Environment Coordinator)
Dr. Michael Bland (Survivor Assistance Coordinator)