Private Retreats are for individuals or small groups who want a quiet time of prayer, reflection, meditation, or reading. There are no scheduled conferences but a priest can be available for the Sacrament of Reconciliation upon request.
Private Directed Retreats can be arranged for individual or small groups to meet with a retreat director. The number of conferences and length of retreat are flexible to your needs.
Directed Group Retreatsare for larger groups and include a retreat director, a series of conferences, meals, room accommodations, and use of facilities for 3-5 days.
Days of Recollection include two or three conferences, an opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Eucharist, or a Holy Hour with Benediction. Days of Recollection can be arranged for church groups or organizations throughout the year. Days of Recollection usually run from 9 am to 3 pm.
Meetings: Coury House is pleased to offer its facilities to church groups or other organizations for retreats or meetings. These groups typically provide their director or speaker. Groups of all denominations are welcome at the Coury House.
The Coury Guest House is an apostolate of Subiaco Abbey, a Catholic Benedictine monastery. As such, we adhere to the principles of Catholic moral teaching. We do not knowingly permit the retreat center to be used for conduct incompatible with Catholic moral teaching or as a forum to advance such conduct.